Aashish and Yoshina with the elders of the nomadic Raute populations in Achham, Nepal in 2016
Research team
Primary ResearchersAashish R. Jha
Aashish is a postdoctoral research scholar in the Bustamante group. Carlos Bustamante Carlos is a Professor of Biomedical Data Science and Genetics at Stanford University. His research focuses on human population genomics and global health including developing statistical, computational, and genomic resources for enabling trans- and multi-ethnic genome-wide association and medical sequencing studies of complex biomedical traits. |
Collaborators/contributorsJeevan Sherchand
Jeevan is a Professor and Director of Research Department at Institute of Medicine (IOM), the first medical college of Nepal. He is an accomplished microbiologist and his research focuses on disease causing pathogens in human gut. Yoshina Gautam Yoshina is a graduate of University of Chicago and is acting as a Project Manager, Research Associate, and Survey Specialist to get this project started. Jana Fortier Jana is an anthropologist, author, and a leading researcher of the Raute and Raji, the nomadic indigenous peoples of the Himalaya . Emily Davenport Emily is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Cornell University. She is interested in microbial diversity of the gut. Sarmila Tandukar and Dinesh Bhandari Sarmila and Dinesh are researchers at IOM. Both are involved in extracting DNA and categorizing pathogens in stool samples collected from several Himalayan populations. |
Alumni and AdvisorsGuru Prasad Gautam, Associate Professor, Dept. of Geography, Tribhuvan University
Nirmal Jha, Assistant Professor, Dept. of History, Tribhuvan University (retired) |